
Vocabolario: Food and Cooking

In questo Step ampliamo il nostro vocabolario relativo a cibo e cucina!

In questo Step ci concentriamo sul glossario culinario in inglese parlando dei vari metodi di cottura, di sapori e delle caratteristiche che i cibi possono avere!

Proviamo a rispondere a domande come:

– come si chiamano i vari tipi di cottura della carne in inglese?
– come si descrive il cibo in inglese?
– come si legge un menù in inglese?

Ah, e non perderti questi altri Step! Impariamo a leggere le ricette in inglese e a preparare fantastici dolcetti:
Banana and Cinnamon Whirls
Halloween Cupcakes recipe
Pumpkin Pie Swirl Brownies recipe

Tutte le definizioni che trovate qui sotto sono prese dal Longman Dictionary (Acquistalo su Amazon).


to boil
to cook something in boiling water
Bollire (cottura con acqua a 100°)

to simmer
to boil gently, or to cook something slowly by boiling it gently
Sobbollire (cottura con acqua tra 85° e 90°)

to poach
to gently cook food, especially fish, in a small amount of boiling water, milk etc
Affogare (cottura con acqua tra 70° e 80°)
Fonte: The Difference Between Poaching, Simmering And Boiling

to fry
to cook something in hot fat or oil, or to be cooked in hot fat or oil

to stir-fry
to cook small pieces of food quickly by moving them around continuously in very hot oil
Saltare in padella

to bake
to cook something using dry heat, in an oven
Cuocere in forno

to roast
to cook something, such as meat, in an oven or over a fire

to grill / to barbeue
if you grill something, or if it grills, you cook it by putting it on a flat metal frame with bars across it, above or below strong direct heat

to blend
to thoroughly mix together soft or liquid substances to form a single smooth substance

to chop
to cut something into smaller pieces
Tagliare a pezzi

Gusti e sapori

Taste / flavour
the feeling that is produced by a particular food or drink when you put it in your mouth
Gusto, sapore

food that is tasty has a good taste, but is not sweet (Informal)

very pleasant to taste or smell

food that is appetizing smells or looks very good, making you want to eat it

food that is mouth-watering looks or smells extremely good
Fa venire l’acquolina in bocca

containing or having a taste like sugar

containing sugar, or tasting like sugar

having a strong sharp taste, like black coffee without sugar

having a sharp acid taste, like the taste of a lemon or a fruit that is not ready to be eaten
Acido, aspro

Spicy / hot
food that is spicy has a pleasantly strong taste, and gives you a pleasant burning feeling in your mouth

not very strong or hot-tasting
Dal sapore leggero

Tasteless / bland
food or drink that is tasteless is unpleasant because it has no particular taste
Insipido, senza sapore

Salty / savoury
tasting of or containing salt
Salty significa che contiene molto sale e sento, quindi, la pietanza salata
Savoury significa che la pietanza fa parte del salato, contrario di dolce (sweet).

a sickly smell, taste etc is unpleasant and makes you feel sick (especially British English)

Caratteristiche del cibo

Crisp / crispy
food that is crisp is pleasantly hard or firm when you bite it

unpleasantly wet and soft

fresh food has recently been picked or prepared, and is not frozen or preserved
Fresco (es. appena raccolto, appena pescato, appena preparato, ecc)

to store food for a long time after treating it so that it will not decay

badly decayed and no longer good to use

containing a lot of juice

ripe fruit or crops are fully grown and ready to eat

unripe fruit, grain etc is not fully developed or ready to be eaten

seasoned food has salt, pepper etc added to it
Condito. Il “condimento” si chiama Dressing.

likely to make you fat
Che fa ingrassare

containing a lot of fat
Che contiene grassi

good for your body
Sano, salutare

Cottura del cibo

meat that is rare has only been cooked for a short time and is still red
Cottura al sangue

Medium / medium-rare
meat that is medium or medium rare is partly cooked but still slightly pink inside
Cottura media

meat that is well-done has been cooked thoroughly
Ben cotto

Overcooked / overdone
cooked too much

Undercooked / underdone
not completely cooked
Non cotto a sufficienza

Greasy / oily
covered in grease or oil

stodgy food is heavy and makes you feel full very quickly (British English)
Pesante, difficile da digerire

Be done to a turn
to be perfectly cooked (British English)
Cotto alla perfezione


Starter (British English) / Appetizer (American English)
a small amount of food eaten at the start of a meal before the main part

Main course
the main part of a meal
Portata principale

Dessert /sweet / afters (informal British English)
sweet food served after the main part of a meal
Dessert, dolci

Tabella vocabolario: Food and Cooking
Tabella vocabolario: Food and Cooking

Ripassa questo Step:
Food, meal e dish: qual è la differenza?

Prova una ricetta in Inglese:
Banana and Cinnamon Whirls
Halloween Cupcakes
Pumpkin Pie Swirl Brownies recipe

Amplia il tuo vocabolario:
5 Phrasal Verbs a tema Food

Tutti gli Step:
Food Vocabulary

I libri che ti consiglio in questo Step

👩‍🏫 English Vocabulary in use – Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Book
👩‍🏫 English Vocabulary in use – Advanced Book
👩‍🏫 English Idioms in Use – Intermediate Book
👩‍🏫 English Phrasal Verbs in Use – Intermediate Book
👩‍🏫 Practical English Usage
🧙‍♂️ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Scopri i libri migliori per imparare l’Inglese:
Libreria di Inglese

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